Thursday, December 27, 2007

True Meaning of Christmas

We were driving through Santa Monica on Christmas day, and passed some life size Nativity Scenes (and thanks to the power of the internet, you too can see them here, here, or here).

The boys asked what they were. I said they were Nativity Scenes.
"What's a Navitivy scene, Daddy?"
"Well, they're scenes of when Jesus was born. Do you know who Jesus was?"
"Well, Christmas happens because it was at this time of year that people say that Jesus was born, and some people say he was the son of God. Do you know who God is?"*
"No, Daddy".
"Well ...." but luckily their goldfish like attention spans had moved on, and I didn't have to explain that one. At least in England, where they don't have this separation of church and state business, they tell them this stuff at school.

*Of course he wasn't born at this time of year. What were shepherds doing watching their flocks in December?

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