Monday, June 23, 2008

Barracudas? Pah,

After a long hard day at the coal face of drug dependence research, I was in the bar and rewarding myself with a mojito. Someone said “I’m going to go and look at the sharks before I go to bed.”

Oh for flip’s sake. I’ve been worrying about barracudas which can (at most!) chow down on a finger or two of mine, and it turns out that swimming in the same water as me were sharks, which (if the movies are to be believed, and I’m not sure they ever lie) would bite me in half, swallow the lower half and let the upper half get washed up on a beach somewhere.

So I went to look at the sharks. It turns out that they shine a light onto the water, which has two effects: First, it attracts fish, so the sharks come and eat the fish (you’d think that would put some evolutionary pressure on the fish to go somewhere else – maybe in a few hundred generations they will). The second effect is that people can see the sharks. Now, I’m no ichthyologist, but there were four or five big fish shaped things in the water, one of them was very dark grey, and the others were sort of pale gray, and they were swimming about in what I would have guessed was a shark like fashion. They were four or five feet long, and wouldn’t have been able to bite me in half, which was something of a relief. Although I suspect that they would have been able to bite off my whole hand, rather than a finger or two.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Biting Barracudas

I'm in Puerto Rico, at a conference. Work extraordinarily hard - I presented my poster from 8 to 10 this morning, and have just come back from a presentation, and it's now 9:20. To reward myself for working so hard, I went for a swim in the sea today.

Someone (wearing goggles) swam to me, and said "Do you know what barracudas look like?" As I didn't have access to Wikipedia at the time, I had to admit that I didn't.

He said that he might have seen a barracuda, but he wasn't sure. And he thought that barracudas didn't bite. Although he wasn't sure about things that weren't barracudas, but looked like them. And now I've read the Wikipedia entry, I know that if they do bite, the worst they will do is take off a finger or two. So it's back in the sea for me tomorrow.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Birthday Fun

You know how, when your offspring have a birthday party, and like 40 children (plus adult hangers on) come. And because you've got a digital camera, taking photos is free. So you take about 300. And then, even though you pare that down to about 30 (plus a couple of videos) it's still for too much effort to put them on your blog. So you don't bother, you just put them on Flickr and tell people to go and look at them there?

Well, that's exactly what happened to me. And here they are.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm voting Republican

Well, actually I'm not. I'm not voting anything (in this country), 'cos I'm just a resident alien. But here's a video I liked anyway:

Hat tip to Aaron for the vid.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

(Almost) Celebrity Spotting

Lots of people around here spot celebrities. These are frequently people I've never heard of, and sometimes I've heard of them but wouldn't recognize them if I saw them. (I saw someone who looked a bit like Oliver Stone once, but there are probably lots of people who look a bit like Oliver Stone).

Anyway, apart from that, we've never had a verified celebrity sighting. But yesterday Susanne went on the Culver City Art Walk, and was standing next to someone who was standing next to Tobey Maguire. Except she didn't notice, and when she was told, didn't know who Tobey Maguire was.