Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hue Test

I'm pretty colour unaware. Sometimes people have asked if I'm colourblind. It's not that I can't see colours, it's just that I'm not really interested in them. I don't really mind what colour stuff is, and I don't notice. Sitting here, for example, I couldn't tell you what colour our bedroom is. I'd guess it's yellow, 'cos the room I'm in is a bedroom in our apartment, and it's yellow. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was red.

Hang on, I'll go and look.

Gosh, it's a kind of slightly rusty, mellowed orange. That's fairly close.

It's lucky I don't care about what colour things are, 'cos Susanne cares a lot, and if I cared, we'd have to fight about it all the time. She claims that there is a colour called 'English Red', and often seeks things out in that colour. If there was such a colour as English Red I, being English, would know about it.

Anyway, I'm digressing. But that's the point of a blog, isn't it. I mean, no one would sit there politely and listen while I spout this crap. And, on reflection, it's possible that no one is still reading.

I came across a Hue Test the other day, which tests your 'Color IQ' - that is your ability to distinguish between different, but similar colours. I scored 12 (which means 12 errors), but it didn't really give much information about what that meant, relative to anyone else, except to say that people of my age and sex have scored between 0 and 1999. If you do it, let me know in the comments what you get.


ak said...

Not sure what's more boring, a this particular blog entry or the hue test :) <---- (See, a smiley face at the end makes my comment nicer)

Anonymous said...

15. Does that mean I know less about colour than you??? It also means I'm displacing reading a PhD. K