Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

A week or so before Valentine's Day we got a list of all of the children in each of the boys' classes sent home with them. The first time this happened we were confused, but now we understand. If one sends a Valentine, one has to send a valentine to every child in the class, regardless of gender. And a valentine isn't a card, it's usually a small sweet of some sort (or candy, as we have to call it now). So Valentine's day becomes a day when the boys bring a vast amount of chocolate home with them, and eat it until they feel sick. So Valentine's day and Halloween, which are theoretically pretty different are actually very similar.

Here's their stash of stuff:

Valentine's Day, 2009

Ana made a special Valentine for Alex:
Valentine's Day, 2009

And one for Dan:
Valentine's Day, 2009

(Notice that Dan's doesn't say the L word. And that Dan ate his M&M's before I got a chance to take a photo).

Dan made a Valentine's for me, in the form of a book.

It says: "All about me. By Daniel. And Valentines".

Valentine's Day, 2009
"I am Daniel and I am 6????? [Can anyone translate? Click picture to embiggen.] I have a brother. My!!! [Possibly me?] All about Valentine's. We give hearts to other people. Here is the Valentine for you. From Dan."

"The End."

I never found out what was in the little package - when I saw it next it had been opened, and presumably consumed.

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