Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wile E Coyote(s)

Grandma is visiting, so we went to the Griffith Observatory, Grandma and the boys went in, and I took the dogs up the Mount Hollywood trail (which I'd failed to get to the top of with Oma and Opa). I went to the top (here's a picture of the dogs at Dante's View- I'm not sure what the structures were for, and why is it Dante's View, not Dante's Peak?).

Dante's View

It turned out that that didn't take long enough, so I headed down the hill, where we saw a coyote casually strolling across the path.

Coyote in Griffith Park

The boys and grandma were finished in the observatory so we went home. On the way we say a coyote (another? the same one?) standing much more photogenically by the side of the road.

Griffith Park

And then, because it was still there, I took another.

Griffith Park

Actually, because it just stood there, and because taking photos with a digital camera is free, and because I have a camera that can take photos pretty quickly, I took about 50. But they're all basically the same, and you get the gist from two of them.

Daniel wanted to know if we could take it home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The metal structure is for tying up horses that frequent the area.