Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pool Progress

We're on about day 90 since pool digging started, so I thought I'd post a progress update.  The yard is still in a fairly unpleasant state - but that's pretty much what we expected (although we didn't expect it for quite this long), there have been delays caused by Christmas, permit issues, rain, and other stuff that I don't understand.

Anyway, here's the pool, it's been tiled and had the coping put on - the sticky up bit you can see is the skimmer.

Pool Progress
This is the wall that caused all kinds of delays with permits.  This will be filled in and then concreted on the top.
Pool Progress
Given the rain, the pool is filling up with water. The light has been attached to the wire (on the right) and left in it's box in the middle, for about 2 months now.
Pool Progress
These pipes will go to the roof, where the solar panels heat the water.
Pool Progress
This is the filter and pump and stuff, with the trenches that have the pipes in them.  Hopefully they'll be filled one day.
Pool Progress
They've finished building the wall, but there are a lot of bricks and things still lying around.  I'm not sure if they're going to serve a purpose, or if they'll take them away.
Pool Progress
Here's another shot of the wall.
Pool Progress
And some more wall.
Pool Progress
Close up of the light.
Pool Progress
This is the wall that was demolished to let the digger in,a nd which has now been rebuilt.  The new wall is a lot sturdier than the old wall, but it's a tiny bit wider, and so the garage door scrapes on it when it's opened.
Pool Progress
The other side of the wall doesn't look so good at the moment.
Pool Progress

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lights, action ...!

Here's a bunch of people filming what was (apparently) an advert for Transitions Lenses outside our house. It seemed to take about twenty people a couple of hours to film someone walking about 6 feet (presumably from shadow into sunlight), and delayed our trip to school for several minutes.

I did a quick search to see if the advert had appeared yet, and it seems that Transitions lenses has a Youtube channel. So if you all keep an eye on that, well, it will be very exciting. Obviously.