Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lights, action ...!

Here's a bunch of people filming what was (apparently) an advert for Transitions Lenses outside our house. It seemed to take about twenty people a couple of hours to film someone walking about 6 feet (presumably from shadow into sunlight), and delayed our trip to school for several minutes.

I did a quick search to see if the advert had appeared yet, and it seems that Transitions lenses has a Youtube channel. So if you all keep an eye on that, well, it will be very exciting. Obviously.


Anonymous said...


How is the pool doing - I have not heard for a while and I was wondering if it had come to a screaming halt and if Mr. Carlos was still in ok graces. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season.


Jeremy Miles said...

It's coming, but rather slowly. I was going to wait until it was finished, and then do a full update. But send me an email if you want some pre-pool advice.