Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our first avocado harvest

The avocado tree in the yard has had avocados on it for quite some time, which looked ready to pick. I thought I'd wait for one to fall off, and that would be the sign that they were ripe - but I waited and waited and they didn't fall. And the tree started to make flowers for the next batch of avocados, so I thought I'd waited long enough, and decided to pick them.
The second problem is that it's quite a big tree and I couldn't reach them. So a bought a fruit picker from Amazon and plucked them down. They are still fairly hard, and some of them are small. But avocado feast here we come!
(The tree gets watered by the grey water system, so I expect buckets full next year.)


Anonymous said...

Would love to hear about your experience with the pool contractor and the construction process!

Urban Earthen said...

HI Avocados generally do not fall off when ripe. If you leave them to get bigger and bigger the taste becomes less intense I have heard and more diluted so when they are a bit soft pick them.

Jeremy Miles said...


Urban Earthen said...

oops correction my husband says they will always be rock hard - place them in a brown bag for a few days - he did all the picking!