Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Signing things

Yesterday, I handed in my notice at University of Current Employment. Which was a bit of a profound thing to do. People advise you write all sorts of things in resignation letters, but I just opened my previous one (sent in 2001), changed the date, and the person it was too, printed it and re-signed it. It just says "I'm resigning. Thanks." To the point.

I sent off my signed contract to Corporation of Future Employment, but I got an email from them this morning saying I'd forgotten to sign the moving stuff agreement, and asking if there were a problem. Nope, I'd got overexcited about the idea of signing and sending the contract, and so I'd missed it out of the big piles of pieces of paper to sign and send back. So, this afternoon, I'll be off to the Post Office, to find out about DataPost (or whatever it's called nowadays).

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