Monday, May 21, 2007


V was visiting at the weekend, and wanted to go shopping. But she didn't want to go shopping just anywhere - she wanted to go shopping at the Camarillo Outlet Shopping Center. I have no idea how she knew this existed, but she did, and so we went there. It's like a Designer Outlet Centre, except bigger and more American.

Our initial plan was that V and S would shop, whilst the boys and I (the boys?) played at a park. However, there was no park.

What there was, was the California Strawberry Festival. Very conveniently, they had a park and ride system set up, and even more conveniently, the parking place was the Camarillo Outlet Shopping Center.

So we drove to Camarillo (every day I'm hugging my pillow, almost), and the ladies shopped while the boys rode a school bus to the strawberry festival. A proper yellow school bus, with the flashing lights.

The strawberry festival involved, well, strawberries, as you would expect. But these people took their strawberries seriously. There were strawberries for sale. (By the time we got around to thinking about buying some to take home, most had sold out, and the ones that hadn't had long lines.)

Strawberry lemonade.

Strawberry smoothies.

Chocolate covered strawberries from Oxnard Buddhist Temple. Buddhist temple. Strawberries being covered in chocolate. Boggles the mind.

Strawberry margaritas:

I'm not sure if that's strawberry wine, or strawberries with wine.

But that definitely says strawberry beer.
Strawberry pizza:
And if you weren't strawberried out, strawberry nachos.

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