Saturday, August 04, 2007

Children's Planting Day

One of the nice things about living in the kind of apartment complex we live in is that one never has to do any gardening at all. Everything is done for you. But one of the less nice things is that you can't do anything, even if you wanted to. But today, that changed - just a tiny bit.

One area of ground had been prepared for a children's garden. The area was divided up with paving slabs, and each child got about a 5 foot square area, to plant. The organiser was, as organisers tend to be, incredibly officious. You had to have signed up by Thursday and if you didn't, you didn't get a bit of garden (we had signed up, very early on). You could not choose plants - these were assigned, you could only choose where to plant them. We have had a shrub on the balcony that has been slowly dying since we moved here, so we planted that too (we had to ask permission first - we were a little nervous.)

Alex planting:

Alex's garden, nearly complete:

Daniel digging, in a fashion proscribed by the medical profession.

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