Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Google Maps has streets

Google maps has added street views of bits of Los Angeles. The photos near us are on the old side - there's a hotel near us that has been (mostly) demolished since we've lived here, but it's in the pictures. I tried to find something profound and interesting near to us (our street isn't on it), but failed.

Never mind. Here are some unprofound, and uninteresting things.

Our local Trader Joe's. This is on the street, but you can't get in this side.

The bus stop where I catch the bus to CoCE. That's the bench I sit on.

CoCE - the ramp on the right is where I ride into the car park. And here's the other side.

Our local Taco Bell, mmmm... 7 layer burritos.

Santa Monica pier. The thing that looks like a warehouse was a movable museum made of shipping containers. It was there in the summer of 2006.

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