Wednesday, February 20, 2008

DNA Test

I sent off for a DNA test from, so that I can track my relatives, or something like that. I had to take DNA by scraping my cheek and popping it in a test tube thing. Just like on CSI. Except it was nothing like CSI.

First of all, I had to scrape for 60 seconds to get enough of a sample. Sarah (or 'the cute one off CSI' as we call her around here') can do it in about 4 seconds. But I suppose if they showed her doing for 60 seconds to each suspect, that would take up most of the program.

Then, I had to not eat for an hour beforehand. They never worry about that. I also had to take 3 samples, at least 4 hours apart, to make sure that it actually worked.

Now maybe I'll be added to some database and thrown into prison, as a result of some Crime Scene Investigator's failure to understand the prosecutor's fallacy.

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