Sunday, February 17, 2008

On knowing everything

When I was about the age of the twins, I thought that teachers were all knowing. (Before I left for school once, my mother told me that she was going to call the school, at 11 o'clock, to speak to my teacher. When I got to school, the teacher said that at 11 o'clock, she was going to get a phone call. I mean, wow!).

The boys seem to have a similar belief.

They asked me about my job, and one way to explain it is to say that, some of the time, I'm a bit like a teacher. They seem satisfied with that description (otherwise it's a bit beyond them - I tried to explain psychometrics once, but didn't get far).

Being children, they ask questions. Daniel asked "Daddy, if aeroplanes fly very high, why don't they crash into the moon or the Sun?" Alex interjected "Daddy isn't that kind of teacher. He doesn't know everything."

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