Sunday, August 17, 2008

Licking out the bowl

Sometimes I try to pass on my hopes and dreams to the boys. And often it fails. Today was one of those days.

The boys and I made chocolate brownies today (fat free!). Well, we opened a packet from Trader Joe's, stirred in some yogurt (?) and put it in the oven.

When I was little, one of life's most pleasurable pleasures was eating the remnants of cake (or whatever) mixture was left in the bowl and on any implements. It always dismayed me and my siblings if the person doing the creating was too diligent in scraping mixture into the cake tin, so today I was deliberately unconscientious. Even more unconscientious than usual.

I gave the boys spoons (I didn't even make them get their own), and they set about the bowl. Alex had one small sample from the spoon, and said it made his throat hurt. Daniel had two or three, before saying it was too salty for his tongue.

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