Sunday, December 31, 2006

New friend

S met a new friend, B, at Trader Joe's the other day - they were both speaking German to their respective offspring, and noticed. Today we went to the beach to meet this new friend. It was interesting, for a number of reasons.

We went to the beach to go 'sledging' down the (artificial) sand dunes. This consists of sitting on a surfboard type of thing (sledges being in somewhat short supply around here) and being pushed down the slope. After progressing a couple of feet, you are pushed again, and fall off.

B works (or worked) in psychology, and has written computer programs that do 'biofeedback' and project auras in colour.

B does research, and has a PhD from the American World University. It was based on 'life experience' and took her two years. She sent off her 200 page thesis, and they said it was too long, and they only wanted 80. Article on Wikipedia (and the web page itself) suggests that they were never going to actually read it anyway.

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