Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cute things that children say

I've tried to avoid writing in this post about cute things children say, because to me they are cute and fascinating, to you they are a bit dull. It's like when parents get together and chat about the cute things that their offspring do, and while any one parent is talking the other parents are thinking "Shut up and finish. My offspring is much cuter than yours and my stories about the cute things that they do are cuter. And therefore better." Is that just me? Ours are cuter though. And they are twins, which you can trump a lot of stories with. (S used to go to the twin and multiple birth association outings in City of Previous Residence - someone there had triplets and trumped everyone's stories).

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I was going to tell you about the cute things they said. We read a story called "Room on the Broom", pretty much every night. Sometimes we get to read another story, but then we have to read Room on the Broom as well. Anyway, there's a bit in Room on the Broom (I'll try not to give any of the ploy away) where a dragon tries to eat a witch, but fails because the animals that they witch had with her (for whom there was Room on the Broom) frighten the dragon away. The dragon flies off through the sky, looking a bit sad. "Why the dragon sad Daddy?" They ask.
I explain that the dragon was hungry, and wanted to eat the witch, but now he can't and he's still hungry, so he's sad.
"Oh. The dragon can go and eat some dead children, then he won't be hungry." They say.
Fine advice.

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