Friday, April 06, 2007


I went bowling yesterday, at lunchtime. There's a CoCE bowling club, which I joined as a substitute. (If you're a real player, you have to be in a team, and you have to turn up every week, and if you don't turn up, you have to find someone to substitute for you - and you have to pay for them. So I don't even have to pay.)

I bowled with Alan. In my first game, I scored 124, and he scored 132, so I didn't feel too embarrassed. But I think I should have practiced less at the start, 'cos I flagged in the second game, and only score 58 (against his 119). Maybe no one will ask me again.

The scoring for the league is horrendously complicated - I found a document on the web, which is answers to common questions about how bowling leagues work (for when you've read the rules, and still don't understand.) It's 23 pages long, and it's here.

Question 160, for example, is:
If management has banned a league member from the center, do they qualify for
prize money through the league? Are they required to give two-weeks notice to the

The answer, in case you're interested, is: When a league member has been banned from the center, it is considered a forced action. The member removed qualifies for a portion of the team prize money prorated on the number of weeks the individual contributed to the prize fund.

But how often can that happen? "You, you're barred!", they shout from that little booth that they sit in and give you your shoes from.

Anyway, today I'm very stiff, partly from bowling, which was surprisingly hard work, and I suspect partly from falling off my bike.

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