Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Building

I forgot to write about the building where the course took place, in my previous post (which, if you read this on the web page, will be the next one, but if use the RSS feed, might be the previous one, depending on how you do it.)

The building is very guarded. Not as in shy, but as in security guards around. You can't get in a lift without permission, and if you did, it wouldn't be any use, because there are no buttons.

The guard, from the control place, (after checking your ID) asks what floor you're going to, then tells you to go to lift E (say). You get in lift E, and it takes you to the floor. It doesn't even tell you what floor you are at, so that when you pass the people you want to take hostage at floor 15, you can't crowbar open the doors.

We're on the 34th floor - it makes my legs go wobbly when I stand near the window (although it's an impressive view). Presumably, they've thought about earthquakes, but I don't like to think about them all the same.

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