Monday, April 02, 2007


I fell off my bike today. But in a very undramatic, perhaps even dull, style. I was riding up a wiggly path that goes up from the beach, and my shoelace got caught in my pedal. This happens occasionally - it's an occupational hazard - and usually one drifts to a halt, stops, and disentangles. However, two things were against me - first, I was going very, very slowly. Second, I was turning (and hence leaning) right, and it was my right shoelace that got caught.
So I fell to the ground (catching hold of a railing on the way, so I didn't fall too hard). There's a picture on the right of where it happened - that railing was the one I caught.

. It must have appeared to onlookers that I just stopped pedalling, and fell over. Someone just ahead of me on the path (he was pushing a table, which is why I was going slowly [a very small table, with wheels]) expressed slight concern, and asked what happened.

"My shoelace got caught" I said, from my prone position.
"Huh?" he said.
"My laces - in my pedal." He looked sort of blank.
"It got tangled."
"Oh" he said, looking enlightened. "Your shoestring. There's no cameras watching, so it's OK".

And so as a result of my mishap, I had a slightly sore bottom and a new piece of American vocabulary.

(Shoestring makes me think of this. But maybe it's my age.)

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