Sunday, September 20, 2009


LA is famous for it's haze and smog - this is actually (trivia fans!) an accident of geography - here's what the Freakonomics blog has to say about it:
air pollution in the region long predates the arrival of the automobile. In 1542, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the first European to lay eyes on Santa Monica Bay, saw the area shrouded in smog from native campfires and named it the Bay of Smoke.

The haze is always worst in the morning, and then gradually clears up over the day. So I thought I'd record that with my video camera, and the haze would miraculously lift revealing the mountains and their famous landmarks (Hollywood sign, Griffith observatory) in all of their glory.

Problem is, of course, that when you start recording (at 1oam) you don't know if the haze is going to have lifted. So it didn't quite go according to plan. I didn't think you'd want to watch 10 hours or so of haze not going away, so I've speeded it up about 500 times to just over a minute. I realize this is still way beyond my average reader's attention span, but what can I do?

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