Tuesday, September 12, 2006


In England, we had milk delivered, by the milkman. (It could have been a milk lady, for all I knew, I was never up early enough to see.) In America, where price trumps everything, we don't. Because you can save a small amount by using your time and petrol (oops, gas) to drive to the supermarket and buy milk on a regular basis.
Because we had it delivered, I never realised how much milk we got through. On Friday I went to the supermarket, and bought some milk. Being honorary Americans (this is like being an honorary lecturer - it means nothing) I buy milk in gallon containers (surprisingly, being American, these are smaller than proper gallons. 1 US gallon is about 1.2 UK gallons), and I bought 2 of these 1 gallon containers. This morning is Monday, and we are out of milk.

(We buy orange juice and apple juice in 1 gallon containers. Soya milk only comes in 4 pint containers. The supermarket had an offer for 10 fresh baguettes for $10. What can you do with 10 fresh baguettes?)

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