Friday, September 15, 2006


Oh, the joy of trying to put petrol in the car.

I can't get the petrol to come out of the pump and into the car. So I walk into the shop bit, and he says "You paying?" and I say "No, the petrol won't come out." But he doesn't know what petrol is, so he says "Pay?", and I say "No, no petrol".

This continued for a while, until the chap behind me in the queue realised what was going on, and translated. Basically, you pay first, then put the petrol in. But as you've no idea how much space there is in the tank, you don't know how much to pay (gallons are smaller and cost a different amount - that's a calculation you can't do without advanced calculus). So 4 miles later, you've got to go through the whole procedure again.

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