Monday, November 27, 2006


It rained last night, for the first time since we arrived. Proper rain, which leaves puddles (although it's often hard to tell whether it's rained in the morning, so ubiquitous is the use of sprinklers - when there are people walking on the bike path I try to ride through puddles left by sprinklers that are near them, to discourage them from walking on the bike path again).

It had stopped raining by the time I went to work, but the rain meant there were very few dog walkers and joggers and even other cyclists on the path, which meant it was quite clear. Trouble is, that when it doesn't rain often, there isn't much effort putting lots of drains in, so there were some pretty impressive puddles, and the odd place where so much sand was on the path that you almost couldn't tell where the path was.

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