Monday, November 13, 2006


Oma and Opa are visiting, from Germany.

On Saturday we went to the farmer's market (I'm going to have to photograph the green stripy tomatoes before they all get eaten) and we bought, amongst other things, sugar snap peas.

Opa does suffer from the habit, common to many Germans, of being absolutely convinced he is correct. (Remember that I've Never Met a Nice South African song that Spitting Image did? One bit went "I've met a normal merman and a fairly modest German" (actually, type modest german into Google, and you get a deconstruction of the lyrics as the first link).

So Opa took the sugar snap peas, opened the pod, carefully extracted the peas and threw away the pod. I told him that you can eat the pod. He looked at me as if I were mad. I ate a pod. He looked worried. S ate a pod, he laughed and carried on eating peas, and discarding the pod.

He showed A and D to eat the peas and throw away the pod. I just ate discarded pods.

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