Sunday, October 01, 2006

More on houses

We've spent most of the day looking at houses. First we drove to one that we'd already looked at - it's been available almost two months, but it was 30 minutes from Corporation of Current Employment, and we thought that was just too far. Weird gated community as well.

Then we drove to the other side of town, to look at an apartment that claimed to be 2 bedroom, two bathrooms, plus a den (a den, according to the dictionary that pops up on Google, is A secluded room for study or relaxation). First, A banged himself, just below his eye, on a door handle, which didn't set things off well. Then the place had a large-ish entrance hall, which led into the living room/dining room/ kitchen, and then there was a bedroom, with no door, and an enormouse bathroom. That was it. The large entrance hall turned out to be a bedroom and a den.

Then we looked at a house about 5 miles from CCE. It had a converted garage, which was a bedroom, but was OK. The drive was so steep, that you couldn't drive up it without scraping the car, so the garage was no use as a garage anyway. There were steps leading down into that bedroom, and the floor was tiled, so easy to clear up any boy related bedroom disasters.

When we got home, I rang another place nearby. It said it was over three stores, which I took to be a typo, meaning it was three storeys. But it wasn't, it was three shops, on a busy street. You accessed it at the back, up some stairs, and then there was a large outside area, and a path all the way around. It claimed to have two bedrooms, a dining room, a den, and a living room. But it only seemed to have three rooms. I kept opening doors to see if there was a missing room somewhere, but I couldn't find one.

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